409 4th Ave. Longmont, Colorado 80501    

A Friendly Word: February 2021

February 01, 2021 12:00 PM | Anonymous

Whew! A New Year arrives with hope that the pandemic is in the rearview mirror as the months fly by. 

A big thank you to everyone who renewed their membership. We deeply appreciate your continued support for the library. Two great things happened this year. First, folks who could, added donations to their renewal. Second, Colorado Gives Day was terrific. Contributions were so generous, the most since the Friends started participating in this statewide community giving event. Because of your generosity, this month, your contributions renewed nine Wi-Fi hot spots for the library. 

Managing our growing membership, the online book sales, the gift shop, the website membership renewals, and donations on Excel spreadsheets has presented challenges to the Board. Sharon McCaffrey, Board Vice President researched how other Friends and Foundations juggle all these responsibilities. Sharon learned that Friends of the Loveland Library uses Wild Apricot Software. Conrad Newton IV researched management membership software which was explored by one of the Board members. After evaluating our options, the Board chose Wild Apricot (www.wildapricot.com) an affordable and easy-to-use cloud software to manage membership, website, events, and more all through one browser. Over the next several months, our Membership Committee will be busy implementing the Wild Apricot software.

On behalf of the Board, I want to express our deepest thanks to everyone for their generous spirit and generosity. — PRUDENCE CARTER

Friends of the Longmont Library is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
Friends of the Longmont Library • 409 Fourth Avenue • Longmont Colorado 80501

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software